Well, Dazvent is over. All those little windows on your Dazvent Calendar should now be open and lots of little Dazzes should be staring out out you while you go about your day. When I put it that way, it's a bit creepy, ain't it?
Well I had a super day. Dr K has been planning a mystery weekend away for me and today it all came to fruition. Well, some of it did, anyway. There are bits that haven't happened yet that are still quite secret.
I will admit to some mild concern when we pulled into Tamworth Services. This wasn't quite the magical birthday weekend location that I had envisioned*.
Fortunately, Dr K pointed out that we had only stopped for a quick wee and then she fed me a chicken and bacon sandwich which hushed my mouth quite effectively.
Anyway, a bit more driving later and we were in Leicestershire. Specifically, here:

It's a little science and engineering museum in Snibston. And very awesome it was, too. While I was there, I did some very cool things:

I lifted a mini.

Played with a cyclone.

Made a ball float in the air.

Played on a see saw.

Pretended to be a mad scientist.

And narrowly missed being hit by a plane.
I'm fairly sure that I should not read anything about the target demographic of this fine establishment, or Dr K's opinion of my maturity into the presence of many schoolchildren.
Next up was a castle in Ashby De La Zouche whose main claim to fame seems to be that a fictional character did not joust there.

We went up the tower (you're gonna have to look carefully for me):

And we went down a secret passage that I almost didn't fit in:

Something amazing happened this afternoon in a tea shop in Ashby: I drank my 500th cup of tea of the year. Here's a picture of me doing it:

The waitress was very entertained by the event and I imagine she will be telling her grandchildren about the day a dashing and handsome man came into her teashop and drank his 500th cuppa. Well, the cuppa bit anyway. I expect she's forgotten about it by now.
And then it was time to go and check into the hotel and find somewhere to have dinner. We picked a pub called The Crown because it looked nice on the Internet, but accidentally went to the Queen's Head instead - mainly because we're rubbish.
This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because rather than being a normal pub restaurant, which is what it looked like from the outside, it was... well, this picture says it all:

I'm not kidding when I tell you that this was the tastiest curry I've ever had. Ever.
So, we've covered off Science, Castles, Tea and Curry. I have no idea how Dr K is planning to top this tomorrow, but since it's going to start with a hotel fry-up, I have no doubt that she's gonna manage it!
(*I'm told that Tamworth Services is really a summer sort of place. Winter and spring really don't show off it's true beauty and actually, the magic doesn't kick in until about May or June.)