For example, when I mention the number of teas I've drunk this year, the second* thing that people say is 'Don't you have anything better to do? How do you have time to count your teas?'.
Well, duh. Of course I have better things to do. Almost everything I do is better then that. Like drinking the tea, for example! Drinking the tea is one of my favourite things.
The fact is that I use a counter on my phone, and it takes all of about a second to add one to the tally. I'm on 140 teas, which equates to 140 seconds, which is less than three minutes counting my teas so far this year. If you can't find three minutes a month to do something that amuses you, then you've got more to worry about than the nonsense that I fill my time with!
Similarly, the various graphs and diagrams of the last week or so generated the comment 'Busy year at work so far then?'
This stuff really doesn't take that long to put together. Maybe it takes everyone else ages, but not me. And I generally do it whilst watching TV, irritating Dr K or cooking or something, which is more than a lot of people seem capable of. I was cooking a sumptuous feast of chicken kievs and chips as I wrote this and it took maybe 10 minutes. The picture below took about the same amount of time as the first half of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I know this because I was watching it as I drew (they've just escaped from the airship).
The point is, I probably spend less time creating original content than other people seem to spend forwarding 'hilarious' e-mails to their friends.
The only conclusion I can draw from all of this is that I am much, much more awesome than everyone else, as illustrated in the picture below.

* The first thing people say is 'That's a lot of tea', which is patently untrue. So they just look foolish.
Upon seeing the diagram above, one of my workmates immdediately started complaining that I obviously had too much time on my hands, before going on to tell me that she went to the Mall for a couple of hours last night to shop.
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