Turns out that if you squeeze a cat too much, it pukes. Yup. Who knew?
I'm not some sort of psychotic, cat-squeezing, puke fetishist. No it all came about from a series of improbable events. And by 'improbable', I mean 'entirely predictable, if not inevitable'.
See, Dexter has always had this very annoying habit of meowing loudly, insistently and at some considerable length when he wants something, which is what inspired me to add Rule #27:
Loud and insistent meowing will be interpreted as a request for an enormous squeezy cuddle and will be responded to as such for a duration of at least 30 seconds.So, after scoffing a bowl of biscuits in about 12 seconds flat (just in case, y'know, the wolves try to take them away or something), Dex started meowing quite loudly and quite insistently and at some considerable length by the back door.
This would normally indicate that he wants to go out, presumably to murder some innocent passing rodent. Not being one to pander to the whims of a cat, I simply ignored him. He continued to meow. Loudly. Insistently. And, indeed, at some considerable length.
So I invoked Rule #27.
Needless to say, Dex did not like this one bit. Normally he would communicate his displeasure by halfheartedly struggling and making little squeaky noises, which I would ignore, applying lots of squeezy, cuddly love.
This time, however, he growled. Quite a lot. Which, of course I interpreted as grumpiness on his part on account of not getting his way. And of course I squeezily cuddled him even more.
When I eventually put him down, he vomited. Which explains why he was making such a fuss.
Poor old Dexter.
Here's a proper picture of the stripy little bastard, because apparently he doesn't get enough screen time. Note the lack of vomit.

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