It was supposed to be a fun trip down south to see friends and family.

Did I say fun? So far it's been something of a disappointment.
About half way down, we had to stop off because I was supposed to dial into a teleconference set up by new bosses, bosses boss (that is to say that the bosses bosses boss was new, rather than the first boss; am I even making sense? No? Oh well). Turns out I had the time wrong and missed it by an hour.
On the plus side, we did find a little cafe that let me guard their cakes for a while:

So, upon arriving in sunny Bournemouth (which wasn't nearly as sunny as advertised) it turned out that I booked the wrong hotel (I maintain that it was a conspiracy by the hotel company and that I did it right). We were politely turned away by a helpful foreign gentleman from the cheap and cheerful hotel a little way out of town that we turned up at, as it seems that the booking was made (by the hotelier conspiracy) for it's cheap and cheerless sister hotel in the centre of town.
You know the hotel that every town has; that's used by drunken weekend clubbers and resembles some sort of minimum security prison for white collar criminal smokers who steal from old ladies. Yeah? That one.
It didn't help that the helpful foreign gentleman told us that the town centre hotel was somewhere that it wasn't. We drove around for quite a while before we actually found it. Given that I know the Bournemouth area fairly well, having grown up in the area, it begs the question: are you actually lost if you know where you are but don't know where you're going?
So I decided to cheer myself up by popping to the shops and dropping in on a good friend who worked in a little computer shop in the high street. That didn't work, because he'd called in sick that day.
So I danced by the pier instead:

It amused me a little bit, but wasn't really as satisfying as winding up a mate in his place of work.
Never mind. The day was going to end on an awesome note, because we were meeting another old friend for a curry. An old friend who stood us up.
Bum holes.
Hopefully it was nothing serious keeping her away - we tried phoning and text-messaging and facebook-messaging to no avail.
It was a damn good curry though. Although I'd advise against duck tikka - not because it's unpleasant or anything, but because it pretty much tastes the same as everything else tikka, only a little bit fattier. Have chicken instead.
I'm back in the pris... er, hotel now. Hopefully Dr K can think of some way to cheer me up.
Mmm... T214...
Tomorrow should bring a brother and a steak. Yay.