Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Alton Towers... Not!

This is the Sheriff of Nottingham, as portrayed brilliantly, and almost certainly very, very accurately by Alan Rickman:

Sheriff Alan has been busy trying to ruin my holiday in Nottingham. It hasn't really worked, but he's doing his best. Here are some things that he's done:

Used rain and gale force winds to change our minds about visiting Alton Towers. So we're going tomorrow instead.

Closed the pub where we planned to have lunch. So we went down the road instead.

Created loads of traffic around town to make our journeys to places take longer. So we played loud music instead.

Invented trams to annoy my brother. That kinda worked.

Although Sheriff Alan tried very hard, he has yet to impress the Cabal.

Today we played in a Maize Maze. It wasn't very good. Here is a picture of my brother's girlfriend, Kebbers, who was lost.

You'll have to look vey carefully for her. Click on the picture to enlarge it if it helps! She wasn't really lost. It wasn't a complicated maze. But I've never been one to let facts get in the way of a blog post.

Dr K is in there somewhere, too. On the left. Ish.

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