Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Household Hierarchy

So no-one liked my rambling monday-centric post yesterday. Apparently it was substandard, unoriginal and/or crap. And three people expressed their disappointment that the Boomtown Rats weren't even referenced once.

So, it was shit. You know what? I'm not sorry. I'll probably do it again.

Anyway, Dr K and I were having a discussion the other day about how the hierarchy works in our house.

And then it was mentioned that I hadn't done a diagram or chart for a while.

So without further ado, I present the hierarchy of our household in the order proscribed by Dr K:

For those not in the know, the players, in order, are: Steve Jobs (representing the Evil Cabal of Evil), me, tea, Rochester, Dexter, Grimlock (King of Autobots) and, at the very bottom, Dr K.

I think Dr K is undervaluing herself, but far be it from me to argue with her.

Household position aside, she may not know it, but I'm the best boyfriend in the world.

Why, I hear you ask?

Well, because I just set the new season of True Blood to record for her. It starts tonight and she didn't even know it.

I'm so awesome.

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