Monday, September 12, 2011

Apparently, I Quite Like Mondays

A great deal of fuss is made of how horrible Mondays are. Even I have a moan about it now and then. But actually, I don't really mind Mondays.

It's not Monday's fault. I mean, if I had Monday off and my first day of the working week was Tuesday, then I'd hate Tuesday.

So it can't be Monday I hate.

So what is it I hate. Going to work?

Nah, it's not that. I quite like going to work. Some of my favourite people are at work and I have a cool job.

Maybe it's the actual getting up in the morning.

Nope definitely not that. It's always very quickly followed by a cup of tea, and I love tea. And Ivan Pavlov's experiments prove that I must therefore love getting up.

So if I love getting up and I like going to work, then I must actually quite like Mondays.

What an anticlimax of a blog post, huh? You win some, you lose some.


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