Friday, August 17, 2007


Oh dear god.
The following story is anecdotal. It allegedly happened to someone on the third floor, who told a friend of one of my colleagues. If it's true, most of the other grimness that you've read about is positively tame by comparison.
I suggest that if you are eating, or intending to eat any time soon, or you are simply of a delicate disposition, then you read no further.
This friend of a friend of a colleague was walking to the bus stop about 20 yards from the main entrance to our building. This stretch of pavement is quite public and is well trodden.
Waiting at the bus stop was a woman accompanied by around six children... one of which was taking a dump on the pavement!
To make matters worse than they already were (and you have to admit, it was already pretty bad) the mother, rather than scolding the child or at the very least, taking the child into the bushes to do it's dirty business, was chivvying the child along saying 'Haven't you finished yet? The bus will be here in a minute'.
Needless to say, the friend of a friend of a colleague took the wise decision not to wait for the bus at that stop, or, indeed to catch the same bus as this family from hell.
Now, it all sounds just a little far fetched, but on my way into the office this morning I pass that bus stop and I do recall having to side step what I thought was a dog turd...
What the hell is wrong with people? I mean, there's a public loo a few hundred yards down the street - was that too far to go? I'm sorry Stead. Your crossbow just won't do this time. We need to nuke Bedminster. Right now (actually, give me about 10 minutes to get out of the target zone)!

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