Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I've had a growing pile of small denomination coins on my desk for quite some time now. There's about a pound in coppers and a bunch of 5p's. Not quite enough to retire on, but enough to buy a cup of tea from the canteen in an emergency!

This pile has taken many forms. At one point is was a pound-high tower of coppery glory. This proved unstable, however and kept falling down every time I opened or closed my drawers or if someone walked past, or beathed a bit heavily.So the pile underwent a transformation and became two perfect squares of coppers - one of pennies and the other of 2p's. The 5p's stayed where they were. Then they were merged into a pretty hexagonal(ish) pattern. It was all lovely and very artistic.

This morning, a colleague wandered over to my desk. It was very early, so there weren't many people around. As we discussed important stuff (and things), she started to rearrange the coins on my desk. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but a very interesting pattern began to take shape, and it suddenly became very, very important that we complete it. We had to scavenge a few more coins from colleagues, but eventually we managed it. And it's truly glorious!

Here it is in it fabulous gloriousness! Click on the image for a bigger version!

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