Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Baby On Board

I'm trying to figure why there are so many cars around with signs like this in the back of them.

I'm told that parents are encouraged to put them up because they make other drivers more considerate. Because they have a baby on board, see.

But that's bollocks, surely. The sort of people who might be more considerate when they see that notice are going to be pretty considerate anyway.

And the type of people who drive up your arse all the time, and brake way too late and are generally dickish about driving aren't about to change their ways just because there's a little yellow sign in your car. They probably can't read anyway.

So only one logical conclusion comes to mind. The parents who display these signs are basically advertising their children to a very select clientele...

It seems irresponsible to me...


Anonymous said...

I kind of resent the implication that a baby deserves more consideration than I do. Why should that be? It probably has no idea what's going on anyway. It's either asleep or yelling anyway, so what does it care.

No, I think they are being used to explain possible erratic behaviour in the vehicle displaying them. If I had a screeching brat yelling in my ear as I drove it might make me jumpy too.

Anonymous said...

When I see these, or, worse, once "Kill your Speed - not a Child!", I always think, yeah - right! I won't kill a child, or ram your car now, cos there's a baby on board. I'm glad you alerted me to that fact, cos I was just about to ram my car right up yours and attempt to murder as many occupants as possible. But now, thanks to your enilightening sign, I won't.