Friday, April 08, 2005

An Update For The Week

I've been extremely lax this week. I haven't posted once, despite many, many exciting things happeing since my last post. So here's a single post that will bring me up to date:

Thursday: Computer Repair 101

I went over to my Gran's last night. She made me sausage and mash for my tea.

In exchange I had to fix her PC. She had been very vague about the problem. Something about a very small box on the screen and she couldn't read it. This had been a problem since my Aunt had visited and used the PC a couple of months ago.

Upon starting the machine up, I discovered that the screen resolution had been changed from 640x480 to 800x600, rendering all of the icons and windows too small for my Gran to read. So I changed it back for her.

She was very grateful, declared me a computer guru and gave me more sausages.

Tuesday: Another Fire Alarm

We had a power cut at about 10.00 this morning. The power cut caused
a short in the basement building which began to spark and smoke and in
turn tripped the fire alarm. So we all had to leave the building.



Friday: Rude People

I may be in trouble at work. A Divisional Manager phoned me up yesterday. Divisional Managers are pretty senior and more or less report to the board of directors - this one has about 40,000 people working for him. In an organisation as big as mine, that makes him
God and me a lowly, lowly pleb. Beneath his notice in fact. Let's, for the sake of annonymity, call him Geoff.

So, about 15 minutes into the conversation, Geoff asked me a technical question about one of the procedures that I deal with. I began to explain the concept to him, when he yawned. Very oudly, with no attempt to hide the fact.

"I'm bored now," he said.

"That," I informed the Divisional Manager, "was rather rude wasn't it, Geoff." I then continued to provide the requested information with as much unneccessary detail as I could.

The remainder of the converstaion was rather terse.

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