Friday, April 29, 2005

Personality Profiling

So... I've spent the last 3 days on the second part of my Leadership course. Lordy, I'm knackered now. It's nbot that we did much physical stuff, but there was lots of stuff to take in, and when you're at it from about 8 in the morning 'til 10 at night it kinda humps yer noggin.

Anyway. The most important thing I got out of it was an assessment of my personality, Myers-Briggs style. I am, you will be profoundly pleased to discover, an ESTP. Apparently this means that I am:

'Good at on the spot problem solving. Like action, enjoy whatever comes along. Tend to like mechanical things and sports, with friends on the side. Adaptable, pragmatic; focussed on getting results. Dislike long explanations. Are best with real things that can be worked, handled, taken apart or put together.'

There are a whole load of other words, but they could mean anything.

Hmm. 'With friends on the side', eh? What? Like a garnish?

And sport sucks.

But other than that, it's not a bad assessment.

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