Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Old Doorbell Prank

So, a bunch of kids from my estate decided to try the old 'ring-the-doorbell-and-run-away' trick on me today.

Only thing is, I was sitting in the lounge, looking at them out of the window and watched them walk up the path, heard them ring the doorbell, giggling and then watched them run away across the front of the house. So quite rightly I didn't shift from my comfy spot. They seemed to enjoy it anyway.

Now my point is this. They had a choice of 2 directions to run. Up or down the path. Down would have allowed them an easy escape without me being able to see they had gone, menaing that it's likely that I would have come to the door, thus validating all their hard work and planning. Sadly they chose the latter.

Kids, eh.

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