The Beeb have a bit of info on it here.
I was in danger of being relocated to London this morning as part of our contingency plan. Thankfully the building is open again this morning, although the bomb is still in-situ and we are likely to be evacuated again at lunchtime today while the army remove it.
Yay. And it’s a glorious day today as well. Highs of 28 apparently. Just right for an afternoon off.
On a slightly different note, I looked out of my dining room window this morning to see something pretty damn bizzare. I was on the phone to my boss - fining out whether the office was open and ... well... the conversation went something like this:…
JDK: Morning, Boss.
Boss: Morning, JDK. May I say what a pleasure it is to be in your kingly presence, albeit in a telephonic fashion.
JDK: (Testily) Yes, yes. I know. Stop simpering, you sycophant, and tell me if the office is open today.
Boss: Why yes, your Majesty. I'm on my way there now.
JDK: (Casually looks out of dining room window) Er...
Boss: Quite the pilaver yesterday, wasn't it?
JDK: Um...
Boss: Apparently we may be evacuated again at lunchtime.
JDK: I... Uh...
Boss: But I'd be eternally grateful if you could see your way to popping into the office and doing some of your impressive stuff.
JDK: Well... Um...
Boss: Are you alright, your Highness?
JDK: There's... um.. something odd in my back garden.
Well, I wasn't quite sure anyone was gonna believe me, so I just took some photos with my handy phone.

I wasn't really sure what you do when you find a giant peacock pecking on your back door. I fairly sure it was deliberately baiting Rochester, who was nose to nose with it through the glass with his hackles up.
Given that I have a tiny, tiny back garden which is entirely enclosed by fences, I was somewhat concerned that the peacock didn't have enough space to take off as they need a bit of a run up, just like pigeons.
What do you do when you have a peacock trapped in your back garden? Put up a notice on the lamp posts outside saying: 'Found: Once large peacock. Beautiful Plumage. If you are missing this bird please call the JDK'?
Dial 999, maybe?
Operator: What service do you require?
JDK: Er... emergency peacock rescue?
I finally settled on the RSPCA as an option, but before I could do so, it hopped up onto the fence with the greatest of ease. On that basis, I figured, it could probably get out whenever it felt like it.

Well. Not sure if it's an omen. But most importantly, it looks like we'll be going home at lunchtime. Shame, that.
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