Monday, July 10, 2006

Dead Man's Chest

Shiver me timbers. Tis time to talk all piratey as the new Pirates of the Carribbean movie came out at the weekend! And grand it were, too.

Yarrr. Although tweren't quite as good as the first un, Dead Man's Chest was mightily entertainin'; Depp camped it up as you'd expect and Bill Nighy as Davy Jones was fantastic. Obviously Orlando Bloom played his part in the style of a wooden plank, however Keira Knightly, who I didn't particularly rate in the first one, was much, much better and really rather fanciable. Not that I conveyed this nugget of info to the the young lady I went to see it with. That would just be rude (see how I gave up talkin' like a pirate there?).

The only criticism of the movie that I could really make was that the crew of the Flying Dutchman were overly CGI-ed. While the effects were very good, I thought that part of the winning appeal of the first movie was that the special effects were only glimpsed now and again until the finale. This time, you had barnacled pirates and pirates with starfish on their faces and that one with the hammerhead shark head all the way through the movie. That said, Davy Jones looked simply magnificent!

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