Monday, July 10, 2006

Text Messaging Chin

There's this girl that's been bugging me. I pass her every afternoon on my way to the bus-stop, always in the same place. At first I thought that she had no chin, which is not attractive on a girl. Sorry, all you chinless girls out there. It's just not.

Anyway, I soon figured out that she did in fact have a chin and suffered from a terrible affliction known (by me, anyway) as text messaging chin. The symptoms of this terrible condition include the dissapearance of the chin into the neck as the sufferer looks down at her phone. Other synmptoms include bruises incurred when the sufferer walks into walls and people because she's unable to look where she's going whilst texting.

This is becoming a serious societal problem. It's not just the one girl, you see. There are hundreds of them wandering round Bristol and goodness knows how many up and dowen the country. We need to organise chin transplants for them. Or if that's too radical, maybe we should just take their damn phones away!

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