Sunday, January 23, 2005

Lan Party

Well, Saturday evening held a new experience to me. I was invited to a lan party. So I dragged my glorious new PC over to Dave's house for a bit of lan party action. I've never really participated in online gaming before, having never had a computer that was really up to it, so this was really, really cool!

I may not actually be good at gaming, but I had a lot of fun, and I think my presence made a positive difference in many of the team games that I participated in. Day of Defeat is a pretty cool game.

As with all of these things, there were one or two people who take gaming far too seriously, though. Not only are they really good at it, but they get cross with those of us who aren't. And woe betide anyone who doesn't take the game a seriously as them! Tut tut tut.

We played into the wee hours… I didn't get up til about 11 this morning. It's a sad, sad situation.

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