Tuesday, May 03, 2005

You'd be proud...

Well... it kinda depends on how easily impressed you are.

My morning shower was cut short by the insistent ringing of my phone. At 6.15 in the morning, I ask you.

Anyway... me good mate Woodsie was on the other end, wondering if I wanted a lift in this morning. I considered it for about a picosecond (carefully weighing the pros and cons of waiting in the rain to share a damp uncomfortable bus with 40 odd people, at least 2 of which are desperate to share their cold/cough/other ailment with me against a comfortable ride to town in a nice warm car) before stating 'Yes'.

The down-side of accepting the generous offer of a lift was encapsulated in the phrase 'Ok, mate. We're leaving now. See you in a couple of minutes.'

So... there's me - nekkid, still wet, unshaven, unbreakfasted, even. With about 3 minutes (which co-incidentally is the time it takes a Vauxhall Zafira to cover the 3 miles between Woodsie's house and mine) to dry myself, shave, brush my teeth, dress and be out the front of the house.

I made it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would never have known to look at it him today.

Be impressed. No, be very impressed.