Sunday, July 15, 2012

Staring At The Screen In Horror And Disbelief

I was recently told by a workmate that they were amazed at how much work I got done, considering I never actually looked busy.

Well, obviously I had to make further enquiries and what i discovered was this:
In order to considered 'busy', one has to pull this face at one's computer screen:

To me, this expression looks quite a lot like horror and disbelief, which leads me to conclude that all the so-called 'busy' people are actually watching videos of their mum performing fellatio on a camel, or maybe Gordon Brown having a poo on their cat*.

What concerns me is that these people stare at their screens with this expression all day, every day, which suggests that they're watching these videos repeatedly. Which in turn suggests that they're obsessive pervert sickos.

Needless to say, I won't be modifying my 'busy' face to suit the Oral Camel Posse and the Gordon Poocat Brigade. I will, however, start calling the 'busy' people the Oral Camel Posse and the Gordon Poocat Brigade, because it makes me chuckle, and will make me look even less busy!

( * one thing that recently caused me to pull this face was a conversation between Dr K and my mum about the book '50 Shades Of Grey'. There, look. I did it again. )

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