Sunday, July 01, 2012

Finding The Higgs? Easy Peasy!

On Tuesday, almost completely by accident, I managed to do something that the top men* at CERN have spent millions of Euros and several years trying to do. I found the Higgs.

Well, okay... Maybe not that Higgs. Let me explain:

I'd been missing Rochester quite badly and I knew that at some point I'd want to get another cat, to keep Dexter company. So, I started to do a little research into local cat rescue organisations with a view to, in a few weeks time, giving one of them a call to see if they had a kitten, or maybe a young cat that needed a home.

And then I saw a photo... Of a kitten... A rescue kitten that needed a home... A kitten that was available immediately...

So, I now have a fluffy black kitten called Higgins. Or Higgs. Or Higgly Wiggly Woo. Or The Higmeister. Or Higloo. Or 'The Professor'.

Far from being grateful for the company, Dexter is pretty disgusted by the whole thing. Mostly he tries to ignore Higgins.

So your blog post today will be a series of heinously cute kitten photos. To take the edge off the disgusting cuteness of it all, I have added a few helpful captions.

Finally, because he's into pretty much everything, he's been critiquing my blog:

So tat's it for another week.

I'll do my best not to waste any more of your precious reading time with kitten pictures. No promises though...

( * Who? Top. Men. )

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