Monday, November 14, 2005


I popped into town today as Neil Gaiman was in Waterstones signing copies of his new book, Anansi Boys. When I first arrived, there was a very long queue of very pale people all dressed in black with interesting peircings, which kinda scared me, so I ran and hid for an hour. The were gone when I returned.

I've met Mr Gaiman a couple of times before and as always he was a very nice man. Sadly Rochester ate the last book he signed for me. When I mentioned this to Neil, he seemed to think that this was right and proper. Not sure I'm quite with him on that one, but I'll let it pass!

Interestingly, Mark Buckingham, a comic artist that has worked a lot with Gaiman, was also loitering around. He wasn't signing anything and Neil agreed that it was most likely that he was hoping that some of Neil's coolness would rub off on him.

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