Monday, November 28, 2005

'Thank You' vs 'Congratulations'

So, I bought myself a new remote control thingummy last week (one of those ones you can use on all of your electrical doodahs; it's very cool, lights up blue and I can use it on my Playstation2, woohoo).

Upon opening the manual, I noted that the first thing it said was 'Congratulations for buying...'
'Thanks very much', I thought to myself, 'But it really wasn't that difficult. I went into the shop, took it off the shelf and then paid for it. It's not like I won an Olympic medal or anything'.
The reason I bring this up now is that one of my team just had a new desk phone delivered. the first thing it said in his manual was 'Thank you for buying...'

Now it probably comes as no surprise that, despite the fact that this is a ridiculously trivial semantic discrepancy, I have an opinion on it.

I would rather see the manufacturers of a product thank me for purchasing their product over that of a competitor's, rather than congratulating me on choosing it. In many cases, I will have bought a clearly inferior product for cost reasons - for example a 28" TV instead of the huge 52" plasma screen that I really want or a little 128mb Mp3 player intead of an iPod. The 'Congratulations' kinda implies to me that they believe their product is better than all of the other products on the market when it clearly isn't. I also find it vaguely condescending.

Well, there you go. I've got that terribly inconsequential thing off my chest. Now go and read something more interesting, will ya?

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