Friday, November 25, 2005

Thursday night in the hospital

I hate hospitals.

Despite my aptitude for avoiding serious illness and injury, I still seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in medical facilities of various types.

Take last night for example. I was required to visit the Stead on his sickbed at Southmead Hospital and endure his moaning and complaining about all the sick people around him. imagine that... sick people in hospital. Still, some of the nurses were quite attractive...

Anyways... following a really nasty headache that came on whilst bench-pressing the best part of 70 kilos and hung around for a few days afterwards, Stead felt it best to get in touch with his doctor, who suggested a CT scan. So I got a text message at around lunchtime from Stead saying 'I've been admitted to hospital...' He followed this up with a naughty, naughty word that I just can't bring myself to post here!

So I found myself driving over there after work to take him a toothbrush and other overnight essentials. We hung around for several hours in the hope that he'd be discharged as the headache has almost completely vanished. In the end the results of the various tests they'd done came back as clear, except the lumbar puncture, which was being delayed as the computers were out of action.

Just as we thought they'd finished with him, one of the nurses (not one of the attractive ones, regrettably) came over and announced that Stead was to be moved to an overnight ward upstairs.

Stead was understandably convcerened about this as he didn't want to stay overnight. Once he was sfaly ensconced in the new ward, he took an instant dislike to the other patients - the old, coughing woman and the itchy man across the way who kept telling people what was wrong with him.

After an hour, he finally decided that he's had enough and announced to the nurse that he was discharging himself. A brief chat to a very pragmatic duty manager later, we were on our way... via the Indian for a curry. Mmmm...

Apparently the Lumbar results came through earlier this morning and were all clear. Which means that they don't know what was wrong with him!

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