Tuesday, April 03, 2012

In Which I Make Excuses For The Lateness Of This Blog Post

It hasn't gone unnoticed that the blog post due on Sunday did not appear in a timely fashion. In fact I had no less than seven people point it out to me with varying degrees of indignance.
I have some excuses prepared, two of which may be true:
  1. The cake-sale-athon that appears to be taking place in my office meant that I was hospitalised with cake-poisoning, on account of eating too many cakes. What could I do though? I have a moral obligation to support charitable events even at the risk of my own health. My problem is that I care too much.

  2. I actually wrote and published this post in plenty of time, however it was pulled into a temporal vortex and has only just emerged!

  3. I was busy panic buying products (including but not limited to: spray starch, lemon curd, paving slabs, shoelaces, filing cabinets, sticking plasters, Twixes and beetroot) the availability of which may, at some point in the future be slightly affected by strike action, despite a lack of any actual information to support the assertion.

  4. I was waiting to ask for the bill in one of those restaurants where physics defying waiters managed to busily have their backs to me at all times!

  5. I couldn't see my computer past my beard.

  6. Hans and his band of terrorists took over the office block in which Dr K works. Fortunately, Argyle had just dropped me off from the airport and, with the help of a portly child-killing cop, I was able to uncover the bad guys plan to steal all the bearer bonds in the basement and kill them all (although not before they killed Ellis) without even wearing shoes. So I was a bit too busy for blog posting!

  7. I was the victim of a terrible accident involving a buttered goat and a very sharp wedge of cheese, which resulted in the loss of all of my fingers and three of my toes. Therefore I've had to type this post with my nose, which has taken 3 days, so far!

  8. I had a visitor over the weekend. By the time he left I had to make the difficult choice of either writing a blog post or watching the first episode of the new season of Dexter. Obviously I chose to write the blog post... NOT!!!

  9. I went for a curry with my bosses boss and his boss. It went on quite late, and I was far too tired to write a post by the time I staggered through my front door. Fortunately my bosses bosses boss paid for dinner which made up somewhat for the rather unpleasant brown stain on the end of my nose.

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