Sunday, April 08, 2012

I've Been Ruined

I wrote a lovely, long post earlier.  It was awesome.  It was a rant about a bunch of things that were annoying me at the moment.  Sadly, the Evil Cabal Of Evil had other ideas, and amongst other things, deleted my little piece of literary genius before I could share it with you.

Also, they somehow disabled the IR function of the wireless video sender that I bought this weekend shortly after I'd got it working perfectly.  And they made my computer crash every half an hour or so while I was trying to animate.

So that was nice.  At least I know they haven't left me, which is good, I guess.

Anyway, instead I have for you a few thoughts on Dr K:

Dr K is particularly lovely.  In fact she's so lovely that I've been ruined for all the other girls:

The come up to me an they're all like: 'Hey Dazza you're so handsome that bits of me tingle when I think about you.'

And I'm like 'Ew, no, you repulse me because you are not as lovely as Dr K!'
But when I see Dr K, I am not repulsed at all, on account of her loveliness. I could ogle her all day.  In  fact sometimes I do.
And that's it for this week.  Ta ta.

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