Thursday, November 10, 2005

Too Many Mugs

One of the peculiarities of staying with my parents is the sheer number of mugs that get used throughout the day. I'm not sure if this is a phenomenon shared by other dishwasher users, but yesterday, they went through 27 mugs. I know, cos I counted 'em. Given that there is a maximum of three of us in the house at any given time (and there certainly weren't any visitors), am I wrong to think that this is unreasonable?

Anyway. The phenomenon is explainable. My parents insist on using a fresh mug every time they have a mug of tea or coffee. Even when they have two in very quick succession, the old mug goes in the dishwasher and a new cup comes out of the cupboard.

Personally, I think it's incredibly wasteful. But I could be wrong. Of course, my point of view is somewhat biased as I often nurse the same mug for 2 or 3 days (obviously it gets rinsed out after every... well most uses) before giving in and washing it properly.


Anonymous said...

I'm a mug re-rinser :)

Yay we're both gross! :)

Unknown said...

We ain't gross, Aodan! Just practical. And it makes the tea taste better!