Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Chronicles Of Riddick

Me 'n Stead went to see the eponymous movie tonight with the full expectation that it was going to be the biggest load of pants since... er... that particularly big load of pants that made it on the news in.. er 1956.

It was surprisingly good.


Anonymous said...

It was very good - which considering I had been subjected to Pitch Black before we went - which frankly left me feeling about as enthusiastic as a patient in a Nazi dentists surgery was a miracle - not as good as Dodgeball - that made I laugh..... Stead.

Anonymous said...

It was very good - which considering I had been subjected to Pitch Black before we went - which frankly left me feeling about as enthusiastic as a patient in a Nazi dentists surgery was a miracle - not as good as Dodgeball - that made I laugh..... Stead.