Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I spent yesterday evening being traumatised.

A workmate lent me the video of Threads, an 80's movie about a nuclear attack on the UK - and Sheffield in particular. It was horribly realistic (as far as realistic goes in 80's movies), but sort of compelling. It was almost as depressing as a trip to Skipton. I don't recommend it to anyone with a weak consitution!

Had to cheer myself up after that by watching my new Clerks animated dvd. Cool.

Oh yeah... and Stead has finally shared his experiences at the Blood Donor session with the world:
OK - so here it is

For years I have been told by the Doctors that I was too cool and too damn sexy to give blood. They didnt want there to be a risk of cross-contamination with square/ugly people resulting in every molecule in their body blowing apart at the speed of light.... ya da ya da... actually i was just not heavy enough.

But now I am! and the JDK emailed on Friday and said "Stead, here's a good idea why dont we go to the community centre and get stabbed by some numpty with only rudermentry skills with a needle and allow our lifes blood to be drained away - with the certain reward of a manky bicky at the end of it"

I wasnt keen - but felt guilty so off we went. The scene was set - numpty's everywhere, forms to fill in and 2!!!! needles (something about an iron test) followed by a lie down on a bed with a nice lady...... looking after me - and the job was done. I did protest and say I would never do it again - but I probably will as long as "I used to be an ex-boxer, I've done 75 of these, I was in the army AND I was the first man on Mars" bloke isnt there..... tit.

So there you go. Not that exciting really was it - but the funny thing was they had posters up saying "Do something REALLY amazing and give bone marrow" - what will they want next? my Fecking KIDNEYS?

I'd forgotten about the ex-boxer. He was a scary bloke (in a slurred, swaying 60 year old sort of way) and threatened to duff Stead up. Then he announced that he'd given 75 pints of blood and proudly showed us his gold donor card which almost (but not quite) impressed us.

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