Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Noman Wisdom Has Entered The Building

I shouldn't laugh. It's not funny at all. Not even slightly (he he he).

I think Vic's post on the Jammie Dodger Bored Board says it all:

I am never clumsy, I don't fall over, I don't break things, I don't
lose things. I do everything well.
Except this week it seems.
On Monday, I fell down the stairs, landed on my cocix (not broken, but bruised
enough to hurt when I sit down) and bashed my kidneys on the next step up - so I
have been stiff, and in pain since then.
Today, I fell over. I tripped over nothing and fell. I landed on my left knee and my right elbow(interesting I know!!). My right elbow is now bloody & raw (though not seriously hurt). I'm a bit worried about my knee though. It has swelled up HUGELY and gone all bruised and I can only feel half my knee cap - does anyone think this is something to worry about?
I can walk and bend my leg and stuff so I don't think there's anything desperately
worng, but now I know how old people feel - it hurts my bottom when I sit, my
kidneys more or less all the time, my elbow is throbbing and my poor knee is
well and truly knacked.
Might be phoning NHS Direct again eh?!!
(oh yes, the aforementioned hamstring injury was not as a result of clumsyness on my part - I did it without knowing whilst I was removing top soil from a friend's

As I said I shouldn laugh. But whe n it's usually me falling off the bed, down the stairs or just over my own feet ad being the subject of ridicule - usually from my good wife... well... I gotta really - aha ha ha ha ha.

Seriously though, the poor love is in quite a bit of pain, but the bruising and swelling has gone down quite considerably since yesterday.

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