Monday, August 22, 2011

Blog H.Q.

Due to the professional nature and highly sophisticated appearance of this blog, you probably think that it is complied by a huge team of talented writers, backed up by hundreds of researchers and illustrators.

You probably think, because this blog so obviously has money behind it, that we operate from the upper floors of a gleaming skyscraper and get ferried to and from work in sleek helicopters using the helipad on the roof.

You probably think that there is a huge, faceless corporate entity controlling the output of this influential blog. One with a logo and a head office in California or New York. One with international branch offices. One with canteens.

Sadly, this is not so.

This mighty, digital tome is mostly the work of one, person. Sometimes he makes people help him take photos, but mostly, he works alone.

Here is a picture of the spot where almost all of these blog posts get put together.

You will note the special blogging lamp, which is new, the special blogging cat, which is old, the special blogging device, which is neither new nor old, and the weird stripy cushion thing. I don't really know what that's for, but I'm sure it will come in handy one day.

It's a very comfy spot.

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