Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Relative Horribleness Of Foreign Sweets #12: Spain

Okay, the Spanish are officially weirdos!

Here's a bag of sweets that one of my workmates brought back from Spain. Looks like your average bag of jelly Haribo style sweeties, right?


Because the Spaniards are such freakin' weirdos, this bag of sweets isn't full of little jelly teddies and cola bottles and pretend eggs. No, sir. Here's what the Spanish eat:

Severed human fingers. With the nail varnish still on. And severed green fingers, presumably from gardeners, or maybe the Green Giant's murdered babies. Gore covered bones.

Won't someone please think of the children?

Oh they did. They also included raspberries. Because the raspberries make this sack of abattoir off-cuts acceptable.

On the plus side, they were all delicious, especially the fingers, giving Spain a comfortable 4 out of 5.

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