Thursday, August 04, 2011

Nigel Hawthorne

This is a picture of Nigel Hawthorne.

Awesome though he was, Nigel Hawthorne has always presented me with a problem. His name is a blind spot for me. It always has been.

I know who he is. Of course I know who he is. He's a household name.

Bu for some reason, whenever I want to refer to him in conversation, his name evaporates, and the closest I can get to him is: 'You know, the guy from Yes Minister, The Madness of King George and Demolition Man.'

Sometimes my brain suggests that his name is Nigel Havers, but I always know its wrong, simply because it is so very, very wrong.

I'm hoping that by drawing a picture of him and writing a blog post about how I can never remember his name, I will embed him in my brain.

Or at least allow me to say: 'You know, the guy from Yes Minister, The Madness of King George, Demolition Man and that blog post I wrote...'

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