Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Filler Material

I've just got back from the curry house, where I was entertaining my elderly parents and aged aunt and uncle. I'm a bit on the sleepy side and can't really be bothered to write a proper blog post.

Instead, here's a list of things that happened to me today:

1. The milk on my morning cereal tricked me into thinking it hadn't gone off.

2. I had a bacon bun at work to make up for it!

3. I mended a till in Poundstretcher.

4. I enjoyed some awesome triple-layered doughnuts... No, not edible ones. They were a pie chart variation I recently discovered in the wilds of Excel. Expect a blog post featuring them some time soon!

5. I stole a courier's pen.

6. A workmate turned up on my doorstep this evening with free cake.

7. I was mugged by said workmate's children.

8. I drank four cups of tea today. Four is not enough, even if 3 of them were pints.

9. I had curry in my favourite curry house with my favourite girlfriend, my favourite parents and my favourite aunt and uncle on my favourite father's side.

Hah. Excellent. I got all the way to nine, so I don't need to tell you about the horrible, horrible fart I did in the car on the way home which almost killed Dr K.

1 comment:

Workmate said...

free cake AND honeycomb - don't forget the honeycomb (or naked crunchie, as I call it!)