Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Irking - Part Four: Murderous Cocks

People keep threatening to murder me!

Either that or they're just threatening me with grievous bodily harm and/or property damage.

What else can it mean when I'm crossing the road, apparently a bit too slowly for the tastes of the driver of an oncoming car, who then accelerates toward me. How else should I interpret this act?

As far as I can tell, it's pretty much the same as leaning out of their car and yelling:

And how else should I interpret the actions of a driver who, presumably in an effort to hurry me up, speeds up to the tailpipe of my car and hangs there, practically in my boot.

As far as I can tell, he's basically saying:

Last I heard, threatening to kill or injure someone or to damage their property was a criminal offence.

And if you threaten me, don't expect me to afford you any courtesies like, say, getting the fuck out of your way!

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