Sunday, April 24, 2011


I wrote a whole other blog post for today, but as so often happens, something interesting occurred and today's blog post got bumped.

To set the scene: I had a barbecue yesterday. It was very tasty.

Right, that's the scene setting out of the way. Now for a couple of apparently irrelevant facts:

Apparently irrelevant fact #1: Dr K is very good at recycling. She recycles cardboard and bottles and teabags. She even reuses the bags from cereal boxes. It's amazing.

Apparently irrelevant fact #2: I was so lazy I made Dr K make dinner today.

It's okay. It'll all become clear any second now...

It turns out that there is something almost a brilliant as a barbecue. Something I never knew existed before this evening.

A barbestew.

That's right. Because I was too lazy to make dinner myself, Dr K created a stew from the barbecue leftovers. An amazing concoction of chopped up burgers, sausages and mushrooms. And it was delicious.

I have nothing more to say.

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