I'm still kind've reeling... Not particularly because i saw an old man in naught but his underpants wandering the streets of Bedminster - that's actually par for the course. No, its because I'm not entirely sure, but I think this might have been the same old guy I encountered in one of the more unpleasant episodes of my life. I had a horrible flashback.
WARNING!!! If you are likely to feel physically ill after reading the following tale of alfresco grimness, please click on this link to whisk yourself back to the safety of some cute kitties.
If, however you are of hardy character and have a cast iron stomach, read on:
I popped out of the office at around 10.30am one morning to move my car from the Argos carpark into a space in our staff car park. I pulled out of the car park and stopped at a T junction. I looked left to see if there was any traffic coming and was horrified to see a grotesque man in a half squatting position, his trousers around his ankles, having a shit on the pavement
That's right... having a shit. On the pavement. On a busy public section of pavement. He appeared to be pushing quite hard.

(Just to be clear, you're right. The pictures in this blog post are crap!)
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