Saturday, April 09, 2011

My Boss Reads This Blog

That can't be good, can it?

Not my immediate boss, who is a lady, but her boss. He recently found out that I was blogging every day and now has a regular read of it. I'd better not say anything compromising here, just in case.

To be honest, I don't really have much time to write this blog because of all the awesome hard work I'm doing in the office. I love my job, it's brilliant.

What's that? The best bit of my job? Oh, well, let me think about it for a few moments. Hmm... Oh that's right. It has to be my brilliant boss. He's just so excellent and clever and handsome and witty and generous and... er... strong. And... Did I mention clever?


At least my ladyboss doesn't read it... I hope...

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