Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Sometimes, for no apparent reason, I make a really shitty cup of tea.

I think it happens to everyone. You follow exactly the same process that you always do, leaving the bag in for the same length of time and adding the same amount of milk and so on. But rather than producing a delicious cup of perfect, refreshing tea, you somehow end up with something that tastes like it was wrung out of a dead badger's armpit.

I can't explain it.

What I also can't explain is why, even when the shitty tea is so shitty that even a man who likes the delicate flavour of a cadaverous badger armpit and is dying of thirst won't drink it, I would.

It's almost as if I'm hardwired to drink it no matter what. Unless it gets cold. Even I won't drink cold tea.

Incidentally, I hit 600 cups last night. Woohoo!

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