Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Freaky Friday

I really enjoy my Freaky Fridays. There's something so awesome about having every other Friday off.

Unfortunately I get the impression that other people don't really appreciate just how goddamned sweet it is. Some people even take the trouble to write to me to share just how much they begrudge my days off.

So, in order to help all of you have a bit of empathy with me, I have personally arranged for you to have the next two Fridays off! That's right. Two Fridays.

And because I'm so magnanimous, as a special bonus, I thought I'd throw in a couple of Mondays as well, because they suck big time.

So, while you're having your little lie-ins and enjoying your days off, take a moment to reflect and say to yourself: 'Thank you, Dazza. Thank you for my Freaky Fridays and Marvellous Mondays.'

If I feel that you have benefited from your days off and learned not to begrudge me mine, I may organise some others for later in the year. We'll see.

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