Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Arm's Reach

With all the stuff going on in the world, like war, famine and fish curries; it's often easy to forget about the real problems.

Like this one:

When I settle into my pit for the evening, I like to make sure I have everything to hand.

So imagine how upsetting it is for me when Dr K comes along and starts moving things.

Often, she will pick up the remote control and put it out of reach. I regularly find myself having to lean forward or worse, shift in my seat in order to change the channel.

Oh, the humanity!

To make it all a bit simpler for everybody, I've put together this diagram to clear up, once and for all, where you can put stuff like my tea and my iPad and, contrarily, shouldn't put the damn remote!

(I imagine, once she's read this, Dr K is going to indulge her domestic abuse hobby on my face...)

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