Saturday, September 03, 2011

...Or Did He?

I'm starting to think that my post last night was uncharacteristically grumpy.

Dr K brought me a cuppa in bed this morning, so I'm feeling much more benevolent to mankind.

Just one cup, mind. It'll take more than that to effect permanent change!

In other news, I'm writing todays post from the waiting room of my local garage waiting for them to mend my flappy bit and replace a tyre.

You remember that sound your bike made when you pegged a playing card to the wheel? In my 10 year old mind it was indistinguishable from the sound of a motor bike! Well that's the sound my flappy bit was making last night, while it carefully and conscientiously shredded my tyre.

I am vaguely wondering whether Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford, has joined the Cabal. I shall have to keep an eye on that situation.

I hope that when I get back home, Dr K has made me another cuppa like she promised. My opinion of the world depends on it.

UPDATE: She didn't. You're all wankers.

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