Thursday, September 15, 2011

Penguin Lady

Today, we had a brief discussion in the office about why the Fish Lady was so named*.

Although not quite the truth, one of my workmates asserted that it was because she kept trying to make me eat fish. But not, she assured us, in the same way as a penguin makes it's children eat fish.

And that was enough to lodge an image in my mind. An image which I share with you below.

( * You will be amazed to learn that it is not, in fact, the name she grew up with, although it is true that her entire family now refer to her as Pani Ryba**, which is odd, because you'd think that they'd have a better grasp of Polish than that.

The real story of her unusual name dates all the way back to January. )

( ** This is not true. But you probably guessed that. )

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