Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dazza Vs The Laptop Of Doom

I've just watched iTunes take 2 hours to install. 2 HOURS, goddam it! I hate you, Steve Jobs (although I hope you feel better soon... I don't hate you that much!)

Because I'm a lovely, lovely chap, I acquired a second hand laptop for a computerless mate and spent a couple of evenings reformatting it, upgrading it and generally preparing it for his first use. It's that last bit that's taken so long and caused me so much emotional trauma!

Downloading and installing antivirus stuff, drivers and iTunes with all its associated rebooting and progress bars and whatnot has taken all bloody evening! Bah!

I hate this laptop and hope I never see it again!

Okay... Rant over. And, yes. I will be leaving that terrifying image as his wallpaper! Heh heh heh...

This weekend I'm down on the South Coast visiting friends and a brother. With Veguary coming up, it's my plan to eat as much meat as I can, cos I'm about to suffer a loooooooong month without it!

Curry and steak and bacon. In any combination! I'm not fussy, I just want MEAT!!!

Om nom nom...

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