Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Quit

Sorry, but that's the way it has to be.

I've been given six - count them: one, two, three, four, five, SIX - video games for my birthday and in order to get them all played (as well as the one I got for Christmas that I haven't had a chance to start and the two that I'm already halfway through), I'm simply going to have to give up my job.

I reckon I can match my current salary in benefits by becoming a disabled single mum. Of course that means I'll have to hang around coffee shops all day moaning about how hard it is being a single mum, or spend my days phoning into daytime chat shows to moan about how hard it is being a single mum and I think it must be required by law to log into Facebook and moan there about being a single mum.

Sounds like hard work That said, I've been off all week and still haven't had a chance to play my video games anyway, so perhaps going on the blag isn't the answer.

Ho hum. Back to not playing video games.


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