Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh, How The Tables Have Turned

I went for a curry with members of the Nuclear industry today.

There is one particular chap in this group of people who, without fail, waxes lyrical about how Bankers (and presumably me in particular) have wrought untold economic Armageddon upon the world.

Tonight, right on cue, he launched into his usual ignorant diatribe: Bankers. Bonuses. The usual small minded, uninformed bullshit that spills out of the mouths of Daily Mail readers like untreated sewage.

He was an easy target: a representative of the nuclear industry just a few days after the earthquake and tsunami that caused damage to the reactors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and the failure of the pumps that provide water to the cooling pools containing used fuel rods.

I was a gentleman. I rose above it, met his eye and simply pointed out that we were only believing things that the Daily Mail had printed this week!

I did not have any more trouble with him.

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