Friday, October 14, 2011

9 Things I Have Enjoyed Recently

Rochester.  After a long absence, my cat has started sleeping on the bed again.  It's nice to have him back.  Mostly he's sleeping on Dr K's head, which is nice.

Many, many episodes of How I Met Your Mother:  What a great show this is.  It has Barney Stinson in it.  He's legen...  wait for it...*

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larson: This turned out to be a rather excellent book, contrary to all my expectations.

Curry with Dr K, Mr Berry and The Fish Lady:  Yum.  And I don't just mean the curry.  Mr Berry is a very handsome man.

Curry with Dr K's Workmates.  Yum.  I mean the curry this time.

Curry with Jo and Kinger.  Yum.  All of it.  I've had a lot of curry in the last week or so!

My new iPhone.  Yeah, I keep falling out with Siri, but it' part of why I love it! I hurled a bunch of abuse at it.  Then it sounded upset so I felt the need to apologise to it.  It accepted my apology.  I still feel bad.  But I feel good about feeling bad about it.  Then I remember it's just a phone.

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.  It's an album by My Chemical Romance, who I used to thing was a load of emo tosh.  Lots of it still is, but this album is kinda awesome.  Also, one of my literary heroes, Grant Morrison, has a recurring cameo in their music videos.  Killjoys: MAKE SOME NOISE!

DC: The New 52.  DC Comics recently rebooted their entire comic line.  I was skeptical, but there's a whole ton of really great new comics!

( * ...dary! )

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