Monday, October 17, 2011


Okay, remember yesterday when I said 'Just don't get me started on 'LMAO', 'ROFL' or 'PMSL''? Well, someone did.

M'colleague, Rachael, who's also my dealer, didn't know what ROFL, PMSL and LMAO meant, so I had to explain. And then we had a discussion about the order in which these acronyms should be used - you know, which is the more extreme reaction and so on.

This is what we came up with:

<-- LOW ------------- HIGH -->

Now, I realise that placing LMAO at the top of the scale might be controversial, as it is commonly used as a relatively tame reaction to humour, however, I believe it should be much higher.  I have illustrated each phrase. I think you'll see why once you've seen them (as usual, you can click on each picture for a larger version):
This is a standard LOL or Laugh Out Loud.  Nothing dodgy here, just a laugh along the lines of 'ho ho ho',  'har de har' or somesuch.
Next up is a ROFL, or Roll On Floor Laughing.  Again, nothing particularly extreme.  Just a laugh that's so good that my legs have buckled out from underneath me and I'm having a good old roll on the floor.
This is here it starts to get a bit icky.  PMSL, or Pissed Myself Laughing.  I mean, yuck.  Loss of bladder control.  Who does that?  Someone who needs clean trousers, that's who!
Are you disgusted by this one?  Appalled? Hmm? You should be.  In this picture I have LMAOed, or Laughed My Arse Off.  The consequences of laughing one's arse off are twofold:  Shit and gore.  Never laugh this much, I beg of you!

And that is why LMAO is clearly the worst one.

Finally, a little ironic anecdote:  Dr K and I were at the local shopping Mall to eat chicken and we popped into a shop.  In that shop was a jumper, which Dr K tried on especially for your entertainment:

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