Saturday, October 08, 2011

A Field Guide To Dazza's Expressions

Sometimes it's really hard to work out what people are feeling. One person's screwed up face could mean disgust while another's means concentration or maybe they're half way through a massive coronary.

At least I know what my face means. Here's a guide for the rest of you:

Poor Dazza. Doesn't this photo make you feel sorry for him? Look at that bottom lip. This is a face he might pull when a close friend dies, or someone refuses to make him a cuppa. It could also indicate extreme disappointment in the quality of a recent fart.

If Dazza is making this face at you, he probably doesn't care what you're saying to him. Or more likely doesn't understand. You can get rid of this face by waving something shiny in front of him. Of course, it may also mean that someone has farted and he's holding his breath so he doesn't have to smell it.

So here's a face that often comes out when you wave something shiny in front of Dazza. Or suggest that you might like to take him out for a curry. Or offer him tea. It's cute isn't it? Or is it the precursor to a really loud seam splitter?

You probably see this one a lot. Dazza isn't the sharpest rock in the box, so the things you say to him will probably just go over his head and, while he thinks about it, he'll pull this face. Either that or he's trying to figure out how which a tiny little guff smells so bad!

On the rare occasion that Dazza is lucky enough to be right, he might pull this face at you. It's supposed to be a smug contemptuous sneer, but it mostly looks like he's smelling something. Like a fart, maybe.

Oh, no. Dazza's really cross now. Did you take his tea away? Or his curry? Or is he just trying really really hard to squeeze out a fart? Just hope that he never follows up this face with surprise.

Sometimes Dazza is surprised and this is the face he pulls. It's equally possible that he just followed through. Oops.

Did you just give him a cup of tea? Or a curry? Because this is the face he reserves for cups of tea and curry. Oh, and really brilliant farts!

So there you have it. There are a few other expressions, but these are the ones you need to worry about.

It might be a bit tricky to refer to this blog every time you have to speak to him, so here's a cut out card that you can print and keep in your pocket:

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