Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Great Clothing Expansion

Dr K has been suffering from a serious problem of late. Her clothes have been expanding. It's very worrying for her.

A few months ago, most of the clothes that she wore on a day to day basis fitted her just fine.

But now, they're all baggy and shapeless. She has even had to buy some new, smaller clothes in order to counter the problem.

We haven't been able to work out what the problem is, for certain, but I have been able to narrow it down to the three most probable root causes:

Anti-Moths: Moths have a bad reputation when it comes to clothing. Apparently they eat fabric and leave big holes in your shirts. But maybe there's something else hanging around in the wardrobe. Some sort of anti moth. A winged insect which, rather than eating clothing actually weaves extra clothing using a rudimentary loom.

Dark Matter: scientists claim that 90% of the matter in the universe is undetectable by our current technology. Obviously this means that as scientific gadgetry gets better, we'll be able to see more an more of it. Dr K's clothes were always too big for her. We just couldn't detect it before!

Radiation: This is my personal favourite. We live near a nuclear power station. Everyone knows that radiation can have all sorts of unexpected effects. Just look at the Incredible Hulk or the Amazing Spider-Man. Perhaps an exposure to radiation has triggered an uncontrollable increase in the size of Dr K's clothes.

That's it.  I simply cannot think of any more plausible explanations for this strange expansion of Dr K's clothing.

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