Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Everything Is Better Than Pop Music

I have decided that everything is better than pop music. Everything.

No really, I mean it. Look, here's a list of nine completely random things, off the top of my head that are better than pop music:

1. Finding out that the milk on my cereal's gone off one mouthful too late!
2. Progress bars that lie.
3. Chuggers.
4. Flies.
5. Filler posts.
6. People that stand right behind you while they're waiting for you to finish at the urinal.
7. 'Sparkling' water.
8. Prejudiced, bigoted people.
9. Foreigners.

You may have got the impression from this post that I have a strong dislike of pop music. That simply isn't true. I bloody hate it. All the way to my bones.

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